All tagged Thank You the Turtle

Thank You the turtle brought Dragon Little and the small, wooden lifeboat to rest beside Bonny’s Revenge.

Dragon Little began to cry.

She jumped from the lifeboat to Thank You’s shell, then hugged him.

“It was so much fun that you came back, Thank You. So much fun!”

Thank You didn’t answer.

“But you can’t come back again. You can’t ever come back. Do you understand?”

Thank You looked at her.

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“Oh, so cool!” I heard what only sharp dragon’s ears could hear: a soft, muted gurgle that climbs through the water to its surface and then up, kilometers into the air and into my hiding place.

“Look at that!” I heard her say.

“Not so deep! Not so deep!” and then her voice was full of water.

The lifeboat floated upwards and she couldn’t contain it. Her voice was underwater for a second, then breathing air again. Her hands were tied to the ship, so she no doubt floated up with it, her legs not strong enough to cling to Thank You.

Within seconds, the boat buoyed up to the surface, still upside-down.

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When Dragon Little asked Thank You the turtle if he wanted to go on adventure with her, I was skeptical. ‘Adventure’ only happens when Dragon Father dreams it. When he ist gone, as he was now, villains, planets, locations do not just appear out of nowhere. When her father ist gone, Dragon Little can only ‘play’ in the emptiness he leaves behind.

But Dragon Little seemed confident.

“You wait for me right here, okay, Thank You?” she patted his back.

He nodded.

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The adventure was over. Dragon Father had vanished early in the adventure and never returned to finish it. Dragon Little was able to finish the adventure by herself and imprisoned the villain in the infinite prison in the belly of Bonny’s Revenge.

Dragon Little had parked Bonny’s Revenge back in Earth’s ocean and spent her time walking back and forth on the railing, keeping her balance.

Something bobbed up underneath her and she stopped to look.

It was a big sea turtle. He bobbed his head above water.

“Thank You!” Joy exclaimed. “Thank You! You’re back!”

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Many hours after he had disappeared, Dragon Father appeared on the deck of Bonny’s Revenge.

He looked around.

“Oh, Joy!” he shouted, and ran to the helm.

Bonny’s Revenge rose into the air and flew at a speed that matches a dragon’s to where Dragon Father had left his daughter the previous day.

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After Princess Adriana left Bonny’s Revenge for her arranged marriage, Dragon Father set off on his quest.

It was a wild quest, where he single-handedly defeated frost giants, orcs, and a terrible scheme to forge a single ring that would rule the entire world.

The adventure was wilder than usual, more violent, required more effort on his part, but Justin Shelley, Pirate Extraordinaire, was up to the job.

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