‘The Squashbuckler Diaries’ are the daily tales of Joy Shelley’s Life in the Dream. The ‘Lost in Dreams’ books will tell the story of what happens to her at ages 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. The diaries tell us what happens before, after, and between the books.

S02E318 Remembering General Hawk, Part 1, The Grave in the Garden

Suzy and I wait for Justin on the deck of Bonny’s Revenge. Joy has banished us from our own home because we asked too many questions. Charlie has not been banished, but he stands there on the deck and looks at Joy from afar and does not move to join her.

Justin finally appears on the deck, always in the same place, always at the same angle. 

He sees Suzy’s and my worried looks and immediately says, “What happened? Is she okay?” 

“She’s okay,” Suzy tells him. “But…She doesn’t allow us anywhere near her.” She points. He takes a few steps forward and follows her gaze and her finger, past our home to the garden behind it.

Joy is sitting there, looking at the headstone.

“Mmmmm,” he says. “She misses General Hawk. And she thinks about how he sacrificed his life for hers. All right, Mom. Thanks.” He looks sideways. “Charlie? Why aren’t you with her?” 

“It was my Dad that killed him. I don’t think I should go.” 

Justin puts a hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “That was not your fault. And Joy doesn’t think it’s your fault. And if she does, then she’s wrong. You want to go with me?” 

Charlie nods.

Justin and Charlie walk slowly down the ramp and around the house. We watch from the deck as they join Joy. 

Joy hugs Justin and then cries. 

Charlie takes a step back. 

Joy holds his hand and says something. 

They both sit down in front of the grave. 

Suzy sighs. “A friend sacrificed his life for hers when she was six,” she says as she looks at me meaningfully.

(To be continued…) 

—Told by Grampa Walt

S02E319 Remembering General Hawk, Part 2, The Grieving Robot

S02E317 Asshole