The Lost In Dreams Universe

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S02E45 The Dream with No Exit, Part 1

“Dad!” Joy grabs Justin as soon as he appears on the deck of Bonny’s Revenge. “What did  you mean that there’s a dream where you can’t get back out?” 

Justin looks around. It’s been only a week since we all left Justin’s dream for the first time on the way to Madelyn’s dream. It’s been five weeks since Suzy and I had been created in Justin’s dream. Joy was now supposed to go to ‘school’ with Suzy and me. Justin and Joy are both still not used to how things are in Justin’s dream now. 

Justin takes a couple of seconds to look around and get his bearings. 

“Dad! What did you mean there’s a dream where you can’t get back out?” 

Justin’s mind seems clearer now. He bends down and looks Joy in the eyes. With his scariest voice says, “It means there’s no exit, Joy. There’s no way to leave it! You can never ever ever go there because you can never ever ever get out!” 

Joy is silent. That frightened her. And this girl is not easily frightened. 

“Got it?” Justin says forcefully. She nods. 

“Come on, dearie,” Suzy offers her a hand. “Let’s go to school. Today we’re going to learn how to write ‘Joy’ and ‘Dad’, okay?” 

Suzy and Joy walk down the ramp. Once they’re in the house I look at Justin. 

His lips are pressed together. 

“That’s Amahle’s dream, right?” I ask. 

He nods. I was the only one who was with him in there. There is no way out for someone who is not a dreamer. Not even if you come with a dreamer.

“I know her, Dad. She’s frightened now. But she won’t be able to let it go. She’ll go there. She can’t go there!” 

“I know.” 

Justin’s fingers tap the railing. He is scared of that dream. He could lose Joy and I’ve seen enough to understand that he can’t control her.

“We’ll find a way,” I tell him. 

“We have to,” he whispers.

(To be continued…)

—Told by Grampa Walt