S02E36 Madelyn’s Dream, Part 5: We’re Not in North America Anymore
I stand at the edge of the tunnel, which is one of the suns in a completely new dream, and I look down.
“I don’t know what that building is,” Justin confers with Master Mind and Joy, with Charlie watching. “But I don’t see any monsters or dangers.”
Justin has to make sure this dream is safe for Joy to go into. After all, any dream can kill her or harm her. But in this case, I think he doesn’t have to.
I laugh. “Justin, I can’t believe how little French you know.” Seriously, I’ve told him this all his life. We live in Canada!
He looks at me, eyes crinkled. “Just say what you know, Dad.”
“It says ‘Piscine du Grand Parc’ right there on the sign. It’s a pool, Justin.” I smile at them, “I’m afraid we’re not in North America anymore.”
Justin stands beside me and looks down. “Oh, that’s right. Madelyn spoke French and very little English. I’m not sure which country she’s from, though.” He looks around again, but the pool and the entrance to the pool are the only things we can see, about a hundred meters below us. “Anyone see any danger?”
“Dad, it’s fine!”
Justin takes a deep breath. “Okay. Everyone, remember to be super extra careful, okay? Anything can happen!”
“Dad!” Joy is exasperated. Having gotten to know her over the last month, I’m sure she doesn’t like being coddled and protected this much.
Justin exhales loudly and is about to press the jetpack buttons on his arms, when Charlie raises a hand. “Joy’s Dad, allow me!”
Justin stops and looks at him, not understanding. Charlie turns to Master Mind. “Master Mind, can we do that thing again?”
Master Mind grabs Charlie from behind by the armpits, raises him, and holds him outside the tunnel, 200 meters in the air.
Charlie closes his eyes, and a glass elevator appears right in front of him. Holy cow! I’m used to Justin making things appear and disappear, but I think maybe I’m not. Dreamers really are like gods in the dream!
Master Mind doesn’t bring Charlie back. “Little Pirate,” he says. “Touch it.”
Joy reaches out and touches the elevator door. The elevator glows a soft blue for a split second. Its structure, leading down to the ground near the pool, also glows a soft blue at the same time.
Joy had just made it permanent.
Master Mind brings Charlie back into the tunnel.
“Now Joy has a way in and out,” Charlie says, “even if we both disappear and her jetpack doesn’t work.”
“Huh,” Justin says. “Well done! Shall we?”
Charlie presses the button and the door opens.
There’s enough room in the elevator for the five of us. We go in and click on the button.
Down we go into a new dream in a whole other continent.
(To be continued…)
—Told by Grampa Walt