I will tell you what happened one day, when Dragon Little slept.
It had been a full day’s adventure for Dragon Little and Dragon Father. The villains were defeated and put in the infinite prison in the belly of Bonny’s Revenge. Dragon Father disappeared after tucking Dragon Little in, and Dragon Little slept soundly.
I watched, as always, from my hiding place high above, listening with my sharp dragons ears, watching Dragon Father’s dream, and licking my emotional wounds from centuries of torture and slavery.
Then something moved.
The pirate ship of an old foe came into view. Captain Badass’, all alone on his ship, emerged from his base.
By this time, I had already seen him defeated a handful of times by Dragon Father and Dragon Little. And I have seen how, unlike any of the other villains, he had always escaped. Dragon Little and Dragon Father never knew how, but I, from my hiding place, saw it clearly.
Captain Badass’ ship headed for Earth’s ocean and for Bonny’s Revenge.
In my hiding place, I rose. He was planning to attack! With Dragon Father gone and Dragon Little asleep!
This will not be!
I dived into space, and from space into Earth’s atmosphere. I spread my wings and flew.
I will be Dragon Little’ protector when her father ist not around!
I knew I would do anything to keep Dragon Little alive. Even at the price of my life.
Tomorrow I will tell you what happened.
—Told by The Red Dragon