‘The Squashbuckler Diaries’ are the daily tales of Joy Shelley’s Life in the Dream. The ‘Lost in Dreams’ books will tell the story of what happens to her at ages 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. The diaries tell us what happens before, after, and between the books.

#263: What's a Dream?

It was the very next day after 2-year-old Dragon Little couldn’t sleep because of a monster under her bed

The next day’s adventure was cut short, as Dragon Father disappeared early in the adventure, and all the villains did as well. Dragon Little had nothing else to do but to return to Bonny’s Revenge and play with Mary until she was tried. 

Mary tucked Dragon Little in. 

But it seemed that Dragon Little remembered what Mary had said the previous night. 

“Mary, what’s a dream?”

“What, dearie?” 

“You said I had a bad dream.”

“Ah, well, everybody has bad dreams, don’t they, lass?” 

“What’s a dream?” 

From my high vantage point, kilometers above them, I could only see through cracks in the window’s curtain into Dragon Little’s bed. Even my sharp dragon eyes could not see Mary’s reaction. 

“Ah, well… a dream is like a story you tell yourself when you sleep.”


“It’s like a movie in your sleep.” 

“What’s a movie?” 

“What do you dream about, lass?” 

“Don’t know. What’s a dream?” 

“The dream. It’s that thing you see when you close your eyes when you sleep.” 

“A dream is dark?”

“I don’t know how to better explain it, dearie.”

“Do you have a dream?” 

“Aye. I do at that.” 

That perked up my ears. I knew why Dragon Little did not know what a dream was, because I knew what Dragon Little was. But Mary was not like Dragon Little or Dragon Father. She was clearly a creation of Dragon Father’s imagination, one meant to watch over Dragon Little when he couldn’t and help raise her. But did a dream… dream? Could a dream dream? 

Mary did sleep, usually in a corner of Dragon Little’s room while Dragon Little and her father were off on adventure. Did she dream when she slept? Did she think she dreamed because that’s how Dragon Father created her? 

“Tell me what your dreams are,” Dragon Little said. 

“All right, then, lass, I’ll tell ya. I hope it’ll help you go to sleep.” 

Mary began to talk about her dreams.

Tomorrow I will tell you what she told Dragon Little. For now, pleasant dreams.

—Told by The Red Dragon

#264: Mary's Dreams

#262: Monsters under the Bed