#400: The News, Part 4: The Dragon Home Planet
“There it is!” Dragon Father stopped the silly story he was telling Dragon Little about me as a planet appeared in space in front of Bonny’s Revenge.
“Dragon Planet ahoy!” Dragon Little ran to the very front of the bow and looked down. “It’s so beautiful!”
I was surprised by the fact that Dragon Father succeeded in summoning a dragon planet at all. Last time he tried it, it ended in failure.
I stood up in my hiding place. Will he be able to summon a dragon in his dream? He won’t! It’s impossible! But how did he summon a dragon planet?
My heart began to race.
My sharp dragon eyes scoured every piece of the planet I could see, even as Dragon Father brought Bonny’s Revenge down to the surface. But there were no dragons to be seen.
Dragon Father landed the pirate ship that served as their home on a beach next to a volcano.
They extended the ramp and came aboard.
“Red’s parents are right over there, at the top of the volcano!” Dragon Father pointed.
There were still no dragons on the planet. Of course there could not be.
“Why is it so quiet?” Dragon Little asked. “Where is everybody?”
“I don’t know. Something strange is going on. Shall we explore?”
“Woo hoo!” Dragon Little raised a fist in the air with childish and innocent enthusiasm.
That enthusiasm made me stand in place. I knew what I would do.
I would lead the adventure, not Dragon Father. I would find a way to tell Dragon Little more about who I am rather than have her father fill her with more fabrications.
I would become part of the adventure! And I would finally play again with my sweet Dragon Little!
I leapt out of my hiding place and spread my wings.
I was off to the silly dragon home world!
—Told by the Red Dragon