‘The Squashbuckler Diaries’ are the daily tales of Joy Shelley’s Life in the Dream. The ‘Lost in Dreams’ books will tell the story of what happens to her at ages 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. The diaries tell us what happens before, after, and between the books.

#292: The Tooth Fairy

My sweet Dragon Little had been waiting for almost six months for her tooth to fall so she could meet the Tooth Fairy and have an adventure with her, as her father had promised

The tooth had fallen, under… problematic circumstances… and now the two followed the path laid out by Dragon Father: They buried the tooth on Tooth Island and then climbed the tooth vines. 

The Tooth Fairy appeared just a second before they came through the portal, as did the entire palace chamber which surrounded her. 

The Tooth Fairy was short, stout, and very very loud. 

“Tooth Fairy,” Dragon Father said, “This is my daughter Joy.”

“Joy Shelley, pirate extraordinaire!” she boomed in one of her softest voices. “I’ve been waiting for you for ages!” 

She grabbed Joy’s shoulders with her strong fingers. “Your father says you’re good in a fight!” 

Dragon Little was smiling. “Yes, Miss Fairy.” 

“Yeah, but do you bounce?” The Tooth Fairy boomed again. With her fingers deep into Dragon Little’s flesh she raised her into the air and then brought her down, up and down, up and down, as if she was a ball. 

Dragon Little laughed. 

“You bounce okay,” the Tooth Fairy approved. “But can you frighten your enemies and SHOUT?!” 

“Aaaaarrrrrrrr!” Dragon Little shouted. 

“Nah, that was your little mouse voice. I couldn’t even hear you. Shout!” 


“Louder! Roar!” 


“Yeah, she’s got a little voice on her. But can she play with a sword, Justin Shelley?” 

He shrugged, smiling. “Test her.” 

“Pull out your sword, dear,” The Tooth Fairy said loudly. 

Dragon Little pulled out her sword with her right hand, while The Tooth Fairy stood  behind her. The Tooth Fairy took a hold of Dragon Little’s right hand and thrust to the right, throwing Dragon Little to the right with her. Dragon Little laughed. 

“There! Ha!” The Tooth Fairy continued to boom, making the sword hand go right and left, throwing the laughing little pirate right and left with it. “Right! Left! Left! Right! Boom! Yeah!” 

The Tooth Fairy stepped back, sizing up Dragon Little. 

Dragon Little’ shoulders were slumped, as she couldn’t stop laughing. 

“Yeah, you’ll do in a pinch,” bellowed the Tooth Fairy. “Pirate Justin, let’s dress her up and see if if she can handle this adventure.” 

Dragon Father nodded. Dragon Little smiled in excitement. She was having the fun of her life. 

Tomorrow I will tell you what happened next.

—Told by The Red Dragon

#293: The Tooth Fairy, Part 2: Bounce Her!

#291: The Tooth Tree and the Slow Pokes