Dragon Little’s and Dragon Father’s ‘shopping’ ended after two hours with a big huff.
It began with Dragon Little wanting to be dressed like the captain of the Blue Pirates, while Dragon Father would not have her dress as a villain. It ended with Dragon Father forcing a simple blue T-shirt on Dragon Little, and refusing to pull any more clothes out of the clothing box.
Dragon Little’s shouts, stomping, and threats did not help her this time.
Dragon Father ended it, and then witches attacked them.
The two were swept away into a fun adventure, and even Dragon Little’s bad mood subsided.
They defeated the witches, and all seemed to be in order.
Dragon Father had not disappeared during the adventure, which means, of course, that he did not wake up as sometimes happens.
He looked at Dragon Little in triumph and happiness at the great adventure they had had, and his smile froze.
“Oh, look,” Dragon Little said. “My shirt’s torn up.” And, indeed, her new shirt was shredded from top to bottom, and yet, mysteriously, whatever had shredded the shirt had not left a mark on her skin. She shrugged. “I need a new shirt, Dad.”
Dragon Father took in a huge breath, and said, “What the f—!!” And disappeared in mid-word.
Dragon Little waited a few minutes to see if he would return quickly. When he didn’t, she took off her shirt and threw it into the ocean.
—Told by The Red Dragon